Styla Event Hall layout options
We will prepare for you the layout of the event space exactly according to your requirements.

1. Theatre setup
The most classic of all environments, the so-called cinema or theatre, contains rows of seats facing the stage.
All participants are focused on the stage, presentation and speaker. It shall be adapted to the maximum number of participants with regard to
available space.
The setting does not allow interaction between participants. Participants are trapped in rows, which makes it difficult to enter and exit the hall.
Suitable for:
Classic frontal lectures that do not require interaction and are attended by a larger number of people.

2. Banquet setup
Area with round banquet tables for 5 to 12 participants, usually ready for festive receptions.
All participants are focused on the stage and presentation. Allows interaction between participants at the same table. Allows you to take notes and serve food and drink.
The setting does not allow interaction between all participants (only those who sit at the same table).
Suitable for:
Gala dinners, awards ceremonies, parties and educational events where a discussion in small groups of 5 to 8 participants is required.

3. Classroom
A classic school set with tables and chairs that allows for longer and deeper work and computer use.
All participants are focused on the stage and presentation. Participants have the opportunity to take notes (table). Possibility of serving coffee and snacks.
Participants are trapped in rows, which makes it difficult to enter and exit the hall. Due to the fact that the tables take up more space, the hall can host fewer participants. Limited interaction between participants.
Suitable for:
Training events, seminars, educational events and product presentations

4. Cabaret
Arrangement with round banquet tables with an open end (participants only sit at tables with a direct view of the stage). It is mostly used for festive receptions.
All participants are focused on the stage and presentation. Allows interaction between participants at the same table.
The setting does not allow interaction between all participants (only those who sit at the same table). Lower number of participants due to fewer chairs at the table.
Suitable for:
Gala dinners, award ceremonies, parties and educational events where a discussion in small groups of 5 to 8 participants is required.